55 gallon drums must ship freight. Contact us @ 800.544.1188 for a quote.
Power Bolt is the preferred asphalt cleaning solvent as it's cleaning properties attach the dirt and oil stains but NOT the asphalt itself. It is also an excellent house wash solution as it has surfactant which foams nicely and clings to siding.
Power bolt is SH safe!
Power bolt is a highly concentrated chemical and MUST be diluted with H2o to activate and achieve its prime cleaning properties.
10/1 – minimum dilution ratio. Pre-spray flat work and heavy oil
15/1 – Gutter cleaning
16/1 - awning cleaning
20/1 – Pre-spray flat work medium oil staining
30/1 – pre spray flat work light oil staining
40/1 – commercial flatwork maintenance
50/1 – carpet cleaning- auto detail
64/1 heavily soiled window, glass, solar panel and ceramic coating cleaning
100/1 – flatwork
128/1 – window cleaning, light carpet cleaning
133/1 – house washing additive
200/1 – counter top cleaner/ household cleaning detergent
300/1 – bathroom cleaning additive (porcelain)
500/1 – roof cleaning additive